Business package – All inclusive

How do you go from a start-up company to a successful, profit-generating concept?
Yes, the path to a successful business can be tricky, frustrating and with great risks involved.
By being at the forefront of digital investments, you open up the opportunity for real growth.

Configure yourself

Today, a large part of the business takes place online. Being conservative and keeping to old trends can work, but it rarely becomes a winning concept. We want to say that we know what it takes to be at the forefront of the digital market, which is only becoming more and more imminent.

Below we present a package offer that includes what we think is among the most important.
Let us take care of your digital environment so that you can focus on growth and other things that are more important.

Configure yourself according to your own needs

Analysis of potential search phrases
Increased visibility in Google search
Website medium
7 subpages
1 or more landing pages
News archive
1 high resolution image / subpage
SEO-adapted texts
Vectorized logo
Google Ads $100-$6500 / month
Google My Business
Company Profile Facebook
Google Analytics
News and posts that are regularly published on the website and social media
Professional hosting
Email to the company

Let us feed your business

It is very abstract to compare a company with a plant, but we like that comparison.
If you do not give your plant what it needs, it will wither …

We want to be the party that paves the way and enables growth in your company.

Maybe you are like us and want to grow steadily (and quite slowly), then the focus is on adapting to future competition and strengthening your current market share.
Just because you get enough customers now does not mean that the future is as secure.

Let us help you the way you need.